Indiana Business Transactions Lawyers
With new and existing business clients, we can assist with their general business needs, including employee issues, business litigation, contracts, employee handbooks, annual business records, required corporate filings, shareholder issues, buy-sell agreements, and commercial transactions like mergers and acquisitions. We also represent employees with business concerns.
Your Ideas: Your Success
Our clients have included plumbing companies, metal fabricating businesses, lawn care services, restaurant owner, yoga business, conveyor manufacturer, electrical companies, professional corporations, real estate companies and paving companies among others. They are owned by people who started with ideas and worked hard to buy equipment, win over customers, and forge a good reputation in the community. Because we are client-centered, we know these businesses and the people who own and run them. When it comes time for a business or legal decision, we know them well enough to offer sound legal advice that meets their unique needs. Our people-focused approach has resulted in many long-standing relationships with our clients, professionally and personally.
We offer a wide range of services to meet our clients' business law needs. Understanding our clients' specific circumstances, we offer legal counsel with business law matters, business litigation, and even personal injury issues. We handle corporate record books, asset sales, mergers, buyouts, and acquisitions. We attend annual corporate meetings. We can draft, review, and revise commercial leases. We also work with landlords and tenants during business deals.
Contact the Business Law Attorneys at Brooks Koch & Sorg
Our clients put a lot into their businesses. We know that, and they deserve to have those businesses protected, so we take care of broad range of business law matters to help ensure their success. Contact our Indianapolis area law offices by calling (317) 418-2683 or (317) 797-7114.